Penelope and Coco

Penelope and Coco来自洛杉矶的Penelope and Coco,为设计师Marisa Spinella 和销售公关Arielle Vavasseur 于2010 年所成立,最初是为了找寻一双完美的鞋,设计师Marisa Spinella 进而走上设计一途,而后结识了毕业于商业相关科系且对于时装相……品牌世家网您提供详细的Penelope and Coco资讯


品牌介绍:      来自洛杉矶的Penelope and Coco,为设计师Marisa Spinella 和销售公关Arielle Vavasseur 于2010 年所成立,最初是为了找寻一双完美的鞋,设计师Marisa Spinella 进而走上设计一途,而后结识了毕业于商业相关科系且对于时装相当热爱的Arielle Vavasseur,藉由两人各自的专门领域为品牌注入一-超凡能量。正如各有风格的双人设计师,Penelope and Coco 也由两位个性与风格迥异的女生所组成: Penelope,优雅、经典、复古,且美丽;而Coco,大胆、复杂、疯狂、野性,且神秘诱人。今个秋冬系列中,包含了牛津鞋、靴型鞋、高跟鞋,以及裹上酷酷铆钉的平底芭蕾舞鞋等多个鞋款,搭上品牌一贯游走于实用与艺术性的设计风格,让传统的鞋子有了现代摩登的味道。


  On a pursuit to seek the principal spirit behind her style, Marisa Spinella approached her two alter egos. She faultlessly braided these confidants into eccentric characters to bear the journey of Penelope and Coco.

  Two vivacious, unique personas intertwined to actualize the life of her own…

  Penelope is a dainty, classic, vintage lover. She discovers the beauty in odd belongings, applies red lipstick without a pause and is guided by the old hollywood glamour of miss Rita Hayworth.

  Coco is bold, complicated and risqué. Her sexual energy and eccentric mystique has all eyes on her. Regardless of location, a woman with no strongs attached, Coco connects the two personalities by blending her animated emotions with the delicacy and alluring manner of Miss Penelope .

  413. 297. 6557

  [email protected]


  in-house publicist

  arielle vavasseur


  [email protected]

